MIFUNE Emi is a professor, Faculty of Law, Komazawa University.
Her work focuses specifically on Chinese diplomacy and international relations. Bachelor of Arts in Literature (Waseda University). Master’s degree in International Relations (Boston University Graduate School). PhD (Political Science, Gakushuin University). Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2). After working as a full-time lecturer and assistant professor at the Faculty of International Relations, Chubu University, assistant professor and associate professor at the Faculty of Law at Komazawa University, she has been in her current position. A member of the Research Committee RIPS (The Research Institute for Peace and Security).
She specializes in China’s contemporary foreign policy and international relations. Her publication, China’s Diplomatic Strategy (Kodansha Selection Book Metier, 2016), Diplomatic History of the People’s Republic of China (University of Tokyo Press, 2017), “US-China Hegemonic Competition and Japan (Keiso Shobo, 2021).