The Japan Forum on International Relations

Director of Strategy and Policy, Assistant to the President / Governor and Executive Secretary, The Global Forum of Japan (GFJ)

Graduated from Hosei University (B.A., 2007), and received his degree from Waseda University (M.A., 2009). Joined the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR) in 2009, during which period he specialized in Japan’s Eurasian Diplomacy. Since then he served as Senior Research Fellow of JFIR, editor-in-chief of “the e-forum” and Vice-President of The Global Forum of Japan (GFJ) . Concurrently serves as Director of Strategy and Policy of JFIR, Assistant to the President, and Governor and Executive Secretary of GFJ. His main publications include “Various Medium and Long-Term Scenarios for International Situations”, Research Report of JFIR, 2010, “Japan’s Choice for “Eurasian Diplomacy”” Japan’s Diplomacy in Eurasian Dynamism, 2022, and  “Reflections on Japan’s vision of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific” GFJ Commentary, 2022.